The Genea Blogger Ancestor Approved Award is being Retired at my blog. She will hang at the side. It has reached so many deserving bloggers, and I know it has missed quite a few because of a matter of timing. But for many said reasons at other times, I just am going to put the little lady to the side and leave her there.
In the future I am sure there will probably be so many other great awards that go out to those deserving bloggers that I am missing and wanted to honor this time.
It's a tricky thing these awards. I know I actually gave some that were not acknowledged maybe due to lost messages, being ignored, or what ever. I don't wish to offend anyone by dropping this now or by bringing the little lady out again. But I think in my case, it is time she takes a rest.
Sure I thought of the acquired, required that accompanies the award of ten more surprising , humbling things, probably mentioned ten times as it is on the blog or will be now in the future. But that is minor.
Instead, after a little thought, I have decided to let my recognition of deserving bloggers show through Follow Friday. If they are already on the Follow Friday list, I will recognize them in my own way. I am going to do it in the accepted correct way of course. I originally thought it meant it was our for reading our blogs that we follow. I had reluctantly not wanted to do the follow Friday, at first from my own ignorance as to what it was and how it was done. I later read what it really was and then out of fear of offending anyone, I decided not to. I am confident now though, it will be okay.
I 've noticed that other bloggers have added the names of their presenters next to their Ancestor Award picture, which I am going to do soon as well
. If I forget to add yours, or if I am too slow in getting it there, can you remind me you gave me one please.[ I feel so terribly unorganized this summer with all the shifting, and less attention I paid to blogging this summer] [ I have much to do in that line of duty to my house, still.]
I can't promise faithful posting every Friday, but occasional Fridays should be fine. And bear with me please as I get the hang of it.
Thanks for understanding.
just me jo