A work associate and I were discussing names with the ' dorf" ending,. Well, if you know me, you know I just had to look up her name to see if it was an actual place name like I thought it probably was. . And it is. It is often the case that our names reflect where they were from. It could be Switzerland, maybe, Germay, Russia, and Norway. {I am not sure about Sweden, because they often use nature as inspiration for a name. [Though Husby is a farm name and a surname.]}
I might add that though there is a village the same as your name, that does necessarily mean that your family came from there. I have talked to several people who have the name Nahrendorf, and they are not from there. The same for some with the Dahlenburg name. I am not sure why this happens. If anyone knows, you sure can tell me. It might have something to do with a Herzog or count, who names a place he is in charge of, but doesn't live there.
Well I was off into looking up the name Follendorf. I ran across one hundred sixty five entries for the name at rootsweb world connect.
One entry was this one takng the family to Germany, but no specific area mentioned. Most settlers were in Wi. i suppose I could have gone into other family members to see just where they came from, which is my usual trick for hints of origination of my ancestor.
But I didn't. So I went on to my next best bet which was the
Google tool. Indeed it was not to let me down with 19,700 entires for the name.
I was distracted by the various search engine accounts that exist everytime one enters a surname or what resembles a surname. You find not only the english, but the german ones as well. I often find 123 xxx search coming up. I did click on one or two. I couldn't resist to see what comes with the name Follendorf.
http://distantcousin.com/SurnameResources/Surname.asp?Surname=FOLLENDORFhttp://www.linkpendium.com/genealogy/USA/sur/surc-F/surc-Fol/sur-Follendorf/http://www.cousinconnect.com/p/a/0/s/FOLLENDORFOften the lutheran church search shows it self here and there.
http://feedjit.com/news/RU/follendorf/10/I already had seen the linked in names of peoples private business.
[ What ever that is.] As well as entries at face book.
The very first entry was this one. Which contained main heading of
Flandorf Austria.Follendorf Map Russia Google Satellite MapsFollendorf google map. Satellite
So I hastened my result with the inclusion of the word map. I could have made other specifics google categories, but I chose not to make the location so easy. The result was ninty one of a hundred of the 19,700 entries.
I already know google has it's maps of all sorts. Satellite, and regions and other various categories at the click of your fingertips. Adding the umlaut for 'o' i narrowed 300 entries to ten from 5, 300 entries for map Follendorf. I could hop to wikipedia or any other encyclopedia including a Britanica set on my shelf.
I settled at Nona.net for the information.
(( Follendorf )) is a populated place in Kaliningradskaya Oblast', which is a
region of Russia. An overview map of the region around (( Follendorf )) is
displayed below. Aairports close to (( Follendorf )), Russia. The closest airport is KGD - Kaliningrad Khrabrovo, located 57.7 km north east of ((
Follendorf )). More nearby airports include GDN - Gdansk Lecha Walesy 98.3 km
west, [all distances 'as the bird flies' and approximate]
Places with similiar
names to (( Follendorf )), Russia :: ................................
// Feilendorf
(AT) // Flandorf
(AT) // Vālāntaravai
(IN) // Fuhlendorf
(DE) // Fuhlendorf
Hahhhh! I can;t totally rule out germany as this site claims it has it in their book of german cities. Perhaps there were border changes and all that involved. I didn't read it all, just searched for the name for verification.
http://www.genealogyblog.com/?p=4603&cpage=1And now why the google webcam link. I thought it was a good place to stop. Possibly I can add more to read links about genealogy and webcams. I think it is really a fun idea to add to your genealgy blog about ancestor and descendent information on places.
So further interest go ahead and click to see what they offer.
http://www.the-webcam-network.com/Russia/-Follendorf-/2226179.htmlFor more reading try Geisdorf.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&rlz=1I7GZAZ_en&ei=UrS_SoiLJ4vP8QbE_IiiAQ&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=map+Geisdorf&spell=1Geistorf
May need a little tweaking.
just me Jo