If your person was recorded at all it's possible that he is listed there through
Investigation records, subpoenas and summonses
Supposedly they say there are links to biographical, genealogical and local knowledge sources of the early 20th century, with historical or has escaped from German authorities holding the offenders concealed the deal, in the form of printed profiles, subpoenas and summonses, as a register and bibliographic research tools presented.
And of course to my understanding they will charge you to produce this information. .................."On request, we will send you the exact name of the discovery site and the site for you, as appropriate, reproductions of sources from German archives and state libraries can order the copy.............."
This is what I saw, and I am in particular interested in the one Gustav Jeschke from Schlesia. The Jaeschke I am in particular interested in is from Danzig area now Poland.
Jeschke, Gustav, aus Schlesien
Jeskulka, Paul, aus Danzig
I have reason to believe that my Lizzie Seil's husband had something on his record, when he emigrated in 1885 from the Danzig area. He had been a military bugler at the time he left. He also was involved in some religion that was not cared for by the military or the local government. We think it could be Mason, but we don't know for sure. My relative has not wanted to have much of his family mentioned because his family in Germany were uneasy about it. So for those reasons, I also just left this family name alone.
It is nice as a researcher if you know they left a paper trail and I think Gustav Did.
I only wish I were more familiar with the area that he left on ship Aller in 1885 or 1888 under the ticket of his brother August and how to reseach it. There had to have been as they say here a few documents by the authorities and maybe even the newspapers. Ad it is said that his brother August had repercussions from his brothers Gustav's actions too.
As for this group who provide this information for a fee, they have the year wrong, and so I doubt it is my fellow. I wouldn't mind learning more abut Eickendorf or Eickerdorf.
I guess reviewing this site, was just a little reminder of the vast information available that I know little about, and should.
Sources: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://home.foni.net/~herumstreifer/anzeiger04.htm&ei=JUIwTLmlLuiInAfnspGQBA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD0Q7gEwBg&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDanzig%2BStadt,%2BWestpreussen,%2BPreussen%2Bjaeschke%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENUS274
Checked it out a bit, so far no naughty Germans in my tree. I will keep looking though.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, good for you, we got to keep on our toes.