It's Friday and my day off, which is a lucky thing in itself. A fruitful day and it's not even noon. It seems to me that any successful serendipity event is fruitful
What was so fruitful about today.
I took the laptop to work as I waited to see my daughter at the local family business.
I couldn't help reflect on the types of people there. I guess my thoughts were running along the lines of maturity and people types.
I guess I was thinking of the how I react to differences of certain kinds of people, like people or creative people, thinking people or what I think of as " bookish". I don't get into A or B personalities and I think you know those better than I and can classify accordingly. Do you have certain types you gravitate towards. Like yourself, opposite yourself, heroine or hero types?
I was also thinking of how ones hobbies and interests follow you day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. John's hobby or father-in-laws interests come out in conversations no matter what time of day it is or who you see and talk to during the day. A Historical Photographer or Genealogist, or community server.
Father-in-law's job is to keep customers happy, so he was talking about something to do with beer drinking and coffee and some things that had to do with world war military service and the gentle man was saying, that he didn't drink, coffee, or beer and he has very few physical problems in his age bracket but I gathered from his conversations that he had done military service too. I typed him as "Bookish" as I heard him speaking to some others about a picture ad the war in Hanoi.
He even recognized a young gentleman near me and gave him a picture of something to do with Hanoi. And they chatted a bit about it. After he walked away I asked the kind young man, who the gentleman was who had my interest. He said, John Russell. I knew then that he was the local photographer and historian.
I recognized the difference in this gentleman and my father in law.[ I admire father-in-laws humor or Wit and there is nothing wrong with his difference, but they are different kind of thinkers, at least I think so.]
The old log barn.
I was so glad that I had my computer with me, I proceeded to dig out the file where I had stored the pictures of the garden tour, which I partook in this summer. In particular I wanted to show him the old log barn part of which you see in picture below whenever the historian was in the right spot near m. I wanted to find out what was the story on the old barn and maybe the family? I expected he would rattle off information.
John Russell was not aware of the old log barn. He asked about the tour, [Maybe now he will take more of an interest in interfaith pantry garden tours, tee hee] As a man about the town, I was sure he knew or was aware of all the society tours, a photography opportunity. But no. Ithink his interest is more of a historical nature. Though he does Portraits. I was able at least to tell him who sponsored the tour and he could learn more about the farm from them.
But now I think darn, why didn't I show the garden tour page [which I see is no longer found online; nor is the upload I did at hgtv garden message board or maybe it is cached] and tell him the name. However, I can still eventually locate the pamphlet I had. I vaguely recall names of Larson and secondhand ownership.
Since he has turned out a local book" Where the wild Rice grows"with many of our historical landmarks and also many interesting stories to accompany them, I am sure he will ask someone about a log house or barn, if it ever suits his purpose. The young guy near me said there are some other log houses west of town in this area too, which is good to know. Aactually he was probably thinking of the Larsen place, cause I had forgotten the location was Knapp at 160 th street not the Menomonie Red cedar area.
Now being a home lovin " bookish" thinker type person, I probably could sit in a threesome with that author, historian for hours. [ The third person being a local open minded person] Now see, I didn't grow up here and I haven't made the effort to see sites and historical interesting sites a bit further from town, and I have been here at least twenty years.
I should research and then get out more to these fabulous places around me. I mean It doesn't have to cost much, just gas money and time, maybe my meal for the day, to see things. After all I live only a few hours away from the Stillwater sites, and tons of historical places of the lumber barons near me, which gave many a pioneer their start in Amerika. [And many blog opportunities]
Other fruitful events.
There were other unexpected fruitful happenings to tickle my heritage loving bones. Mother- in-law gave me the identity of the members of the Mave family picture that she remembered I had been wanting. You can find that here soon.
Ahh yes, there was another and most important event of the day - I met the nice handsome young man with the hat on his very blond hair, whom my daughter had wanted us to meet. [ I gave her two pumpkins, that she and a "we" are to carve at another time. ] I refrained from saying, I don't know if I will ever see you again, but it was nice to meet you. [ another story]
take care --- jo arootdigger
It's funny, now all I want to do is explore even more the many articles written by John Russell which were in the Dunn county Newspaper. We never subscribed to the newspaper, for various reasons, so I hadn't the privilege of reading them all before. If you enjoy well written history, you can google his name and then dunn county and you can find many to read on your own.
On John Russell -
Perhaps he visited Vietnam, took pictures. I should find out.
About His book -,%20John%20M.
Local Genealogy Help -
Explore these- Historically well told as inspiration for a blogger -
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
More Warnecke 1880 at Oldendorf / Nahrendorf
So see here in 1880 the church record of Mary Meyer, who married into the same Nahnsen family that her sister Frieda married also in Calhoun county, Iowa. Frieda was born years later in Calhoun county Iowa. You can see the w hole family here [except for the deceased].
This little part of the church record at Nahrendorf shows the babtism of Marie, child or our Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm Meyer. Notice the name Lyssmann twice. Lysmann in connection with Warnecke. Sorry, I don't know yet the connection nor do I know the family of Wilhelmine Meyer. I was curious too, because there was a family of Lusman, who ran a harness shop at Farnhamville. I noticed that they were too, early members of the Lutheran St. Peters church.
3. Kind MEYER, Marie Wilhelmine Bertha (F) ev
* 12.01.1880 Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
~ 21.01.1880 Nahrendorf
Auszug aus dem Taufregister der ev.-luth.
Kirchengemeinde Nahendorf
Nr. 3/1880
Meyer, Marie Wilhelmine Bertha, geb. 12. Januar 1880,
get. 21. Januar,
Eltern: Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm Meyer,
Haeusler in Oldendorf und dessen
Ehefrau Marie Dorothea geb. Heins.
Taufzeugen:1.) Wilhelmine Lyssmann geb. Meyer, Haeusler in Oldendorf.
2.) Elisabeth Warnecke geb. Lyssmann, Haeuslerfrau in Oldendorf.
Do you Remember that her older first born sister Anna was named afer the twins of another Juergen Friedrich Meyer, who also worked at Roethen and lived in Oldendorf and was the schulz. ( Schulz probably means mayor.) Until I get more word from the church I don't know enough to even speculate accurately.
I would like to tell you my thoughts at the moment.
This is 1880, a year later after Wilhelms father has passed away; and his mother in 1856, so his father may have remarried. Wilhelm is a hauesler in Oldendorf not a landowner. He knew back in 1869 he wanted to go to Amerika. I am wondering if a stepmother or her children could possibly be a godparent to his children. It's just a thought.
Well I really must run along now, my stomach is growling.
If you know anything on the
Warnecke or Lyssmann, or even Lusman[n] why not drop me a line.
We love comments, you know!
Monday, October 11, 2010
There'll be a Hot time in the old town tonight!
Late one night, when we were all in bed,
Old Mother Leary left a lantern in the shed;
And when the cow kicked it over,
she winked her eye and said,
"There’ll be a hot time in the old town, tonight."
- Folklore / Fact -
- Those are some Lyricks to the old song in referral to the Great Chicago fire. In an anuual memory of the date our work place had fire safety instruction this week, which is an annual event probably started because of the anniversary date of the Great Chicago fire. [There was also another big fire Peshtigo, Wisconsin in another area with a big amount of destruction said to perhaps be due to Metors fragments falling. I think they need a song in competition] The Chicago fire which burned for two days began on October 8, 1871 at 13 Dekoven Street of Chicago an area that held many German and Irish immigrants.. Many lives of families would not be the same after that.
I have taken an interest because M&M mentioned this fire and the song.
He mentioned the song in association of the O'leary cow and the fire, which was said as a cause of early death of Williams sibling Margarete.
When I told him I hadn't heard about any other Meyer other than grandfather's brother William or his sisters; he told me that so many of the brothers and children died so very young, and others in mid life. He mentioned Young Fred dying from a burst appendix shortly after his marriage. As you already know the story of Williams brother Fred or Fritz dying at Lombard. As for the mentioned O'leary, who had the cow my brain gets a bit fuzzy in recall of the details because he departed so much new information to me in that short amount of time on a work break. But I thought he said that the family lost the sister Margaret, who had been married to Stille or Stile. She may have been known as Catherine or Elisabeth. She may very well have been Liese who we know came with Fred in 1869 supposedly first to Galena, Illinois.
If she had been Liese and came in 1869 to Galena, she would have had to marry very quickly or have gone to Chicago to work and live.
I hadn't much luck in marriage searches for Jo Davies. However, I am thinking she may have come with another married name, and that AIDA, and the Meyer book [ my sources] neglected to mention it. In the bigger scope of Illinois marriages I had this:
STILES, WM. J(LICENSES DATE)-MEYERS,LIZZIE HThe 'H' would have to be an error. [ Don't you just hate people adding a 's' to the name Meyer!]
-1873-10-29 2 /66 8 CLINTON
Now imagine being trapped in a fire situation with a language handicap and location knowledge limited. If she had an infant already and she died, most likely the infant by her side would have perished too.
At any rate, the idea of folklore, or family stories blown out of proportion is something to keep in mind [grin]. No doubt that people with theories and proven information is still a good read. It often times has distracted me as I have attempted to find anything on Catherine Margarete Elisabeth Meyer - Stiles . I have actually searched and browsed some sources a few year ago. I am sure today today, I would not have to weed through so much information of a more glorified nature to something more substantial as a genealogist.
Genealogy - For Genealogists -
In fact I just recently noticed Footnote has a special of the month on the Great Chicago fire, and if it is free I want to pursue it. I will have to make time. See here. It seems to be a good place for me to start again. Or at least look it over. I am going to make time for it, folks!
Now I had trouble narrowing down my search at Footnote which is now part of's holdings. So I am including this link I found to help make searching there easier.
If you don't mind I will save more fuzzy details of mention of the other Deceased siblings of William Meyer's and the hunts for other discussions.
In conclusion and not about Margarete Meyer Stile
I guess I can't help but say that like Grims fairy tales and Aesop tales, I suspect that what was written and said and know to all in fun will stick. Probably three hundred years after we are gone, there will still be the little tale of the poor old Kate O'leary's cow despite proof of it not being true it will stick. It will be part of us in some way just as the fairy tales lived on with our ancestors' descendants. It can be a little mind boggling when you think about the power of a good story.
Below in the various articles about Chicago fire you may read a little on the ghost writer for Michel Ahern who is said to have written about Kate O'leary. I myself want to read more about a reference to a Rockwell Painting. Or you might follow up on the Footnote link.
Further reading and sources:
Sources Sources:
Copyright © 1996 by the Chicago Historical Society and the Trustees of Northwestern University
Last revised 10-1-97
Late one night,
Margarete Meyer,
The Great Chicago Fire
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Big Herman and Little Herman Meyer
Here we have Herman Henry [Heinrich Friedrich Herman Meyer] and Little Herman William 1 Meyer holding the prized corn ear. It may have been a winner at the fair. Sometimes there were blue ribbons, and other times red ribbons.
Little Herman was called Sonny. I am sure his grandfather and his father Dwight had thought he might some day follow in their footsteps to be a farmer. When your young it is a nice thought and the older folks if they thoroughly love their occupation think the same. However Dwight had gnawing anxiety over farming. Without a huge savings to fall back on, there was worry over it due to major expenses. Maybe if there had not been a house fire, it may have been better for them starting out. He had enough so that he did not want his youngest son to take the occupation up.
But it was probably the occupation the younger son would have wanted. Had he done so, it is hard to say, if he would have loved it too. Often times it helps if the wife works outside the home and farm for a bit more security. I wished the younger son Steven could have had his wish. I wonder what he would say?
A genealogy note: I read recently at a posting at the Tosterglope page that corn was not introduced there until early 1900's.* 2 I found that so surprising. I had taken the crop for granted for the farmers.
borrowed from sunnyslope farm
2.. [still coming]
A few Genealogy Irks / Thats like saying you can't have the chicken cause you have no egg.
Ten things you do in Genealogy that Irks me!
Post On the Negative With Slight Positive side!
Hah - rootdigger! no naming names!
Post On the Negative With Slight Positive side!
Hah - rootdigger! no naming names!
[In order to know where your going; you have to know where you [they] have been]
1. People who make everything so private. So what if they are living. Not even a date or where they are from on the front page list. At least give a surname of a spouse. If you have just a tiny scrap bit of information alone, isolated to go on with your research, it is no help when you run across people like that. Once upon a time back, when I was at midstream I came across a name in my village and county areas of Iowa who had the same year as my Meyer. They even carried the Behrens and a Lichte names. [I was hoping for a Licht name.] I also had followed a Wilhelmina Meyer to Lowden, Iowa who had the background of Yoders. Possibly to it would have helped a search for a Heins/Sander/Meyer tree due to a reference on one line in a church record. I think it was. I thought the whole tree had been on line years before. I was trying to learn hopefully by a couple of quick glances to see the persons original location in Germany, would be all I needed. Imagine how much time - years- I would have saved, if I could have done so/ Instead My search had stopped then, and I suppose I thought I could take it up later. The woman did not give me the password because I was not related. That's like saying you can't have the chickens cause you have no egg. [yes it's grrr. My attitude will take time to heal] [ But, thankfully others are in the same tree!!]2. They have everything about the family in United states, but nothing about where they are from in the old country. Even a hint or suspect location would help. Maybe you could tell us if you have tried to look.
3. They have everything about the family in the 'old country', but nothing much about American descendants. [me arootdigger, I am very guilty] If they all died off, tell me.
4. They have done the work, but don't list good enough sources intenional or unintentional, so you can pick it up yourself to see if they are related without having to start from the very start. [Am I guilty too?]
5. They have an obvious error in location spelling and they fail to supply the real spelling.They are hurting themselves in that omission. How are your future relatives going to pick you out of the web of millions of words and associations, if you have an error in location. I would never have gotten anywhere, if I had not learned it was Oldendorf an der Goehrde, not Oldenburg. Your working on the assumption that everyone is getting a referral to this site by yourself. Ask yourself this: What is the point of the site. Is it to gain current unknowns or simply inform those relatives you already have by exact known connection.
6. No points to myself, but it helps if you use Umlauts. After all, it helps tags get picked up. I did use them on a standard keyboard, but not so much now. I should do it again .
I read that titles in white is not picked up by the crawlers, now I have read that it is. I figure why take a chance and I love light blue and pink anyway?
7. At the message boards they only have one post listed under their name. I am not sure if it is by design or if they quit after that. It makes you wonder if their email will even work. It sure gives no clues to anything about the family. Perhaps they knew everything else?
8. Kind of the same but slightly different. Some fail to say locations and give only name and date, and so you have to further click or even roam all over finding where they came from or the oldest known person of that tree original location and date. [A Bonus would be the youngest] We all have our brick wall people that we hope to find, even by chance clicks. It sure would help if they post those right off visible from the start.
9. Get your password out there, so it is easily found in places you expect. skip the @ button if you want. A button; a link in profile. Don't make me hunt it, I'll probably give up and maybe go back. But my attitude is already negative towards you.
10. Other people who get irked because they assume you have not done your homework and take a post and time to tell you so. I have gotten information in church records that are simple one liners, and I follow up by a quick browse at a few chosen places, which may include posts at forums and message boards just to see the lay of it all, so to speak. So Perhaps it is not doing the homework, but what could you do else in research of American sources once you have checked census and other historical documentation about a isolated orphan name, but if all it takes is one quick question to ask where that person was from, why not. You have to give graciously as good as you get. I have many Irons in the fire that I haven't gotten to yet. And sometimes a post is right there in front of you. Often a census will say Germany or Hannover and that tells you squat. Further more, some people think Hannover kingdom is spelled Hanover. It is my understanding that the city is called Hanover. [ If I am wrong feel free to pinch me] So I to take a little more of my time and investigate their definition of Hanover/ Hannover before I disregard them. If they only knew to at least include some thing to clarify. say city or something so I know it is all over Hannover not one little city. And I won't start on the use of Prussia.
What did I forget?? Oh come on, you have some! Be sure to add some in the comments. I probably agree with them. Or am extremely guilty of them!
I have to remind myself that yes these people could still be my relatives. You can't choose your relatives they say, like you can your friends. However, they can choose to acknowledge you or not?? [This is not as good as it gets - rootdigger!]
As I was told, the data is hard to find as it is, why make it harder for the next one to find it.
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