Well it's been awhile since I attempted this task, so who knows what Http has updated and my mind has forgotten.
No doubt you know this is no attempt to teach you anything. I hoping you can teach me!
Image b - a online edit with Picasa. I did increase pixels. But I wasn't able to read the print.
You can compare with the scanned image above to see the difference. At the scanning process I resized. I had to rotate the image. I had resolutions at 600. I can almost read it in it's small size. When I scanned it I adjusted it to be 8 x 10 photo. I wish I could have adjusted to 8x 10 web page, but that was not an option. It automatically changed my resolution to 72. Surprising, one has to develop talent while scanning images and text.
I know new technology and gadgets come out everyday, but I lack resources these days to just go buy something. I'll hang my head and look the other way, if asked to risk my computer with some potential virus. I suppose there is software with names I will need to know. My own scanner is maybe four or more years old. It's updated sometimes, and I should reacquaint myself to it's capabilities. I once thought I was able to change to text while in the scanning process, so I need to recheck on that under maybe advanced scanning. but updates or new printer, I no longer have that option. In either case I have to do it so I can still read the words clearly.
Image uploaded to picasa.
I thought I would take this time to ask you, how do you read your foreign language books. Say for instance you have a German book, How do you translate and read.
I have a copy here of a scan which is labeled boo.jpg. It was scanned and sent to picasa. saved to my documents. Opened in picasa, I am trying to open it in other methods, to see if I can change it to some form to enter into a translator.
I used to find it altered in my email programs, but no luck.
A book could have a hundred to two hundred pages. There has got to be a easier way than a method I have used which was to type it all out. ?
Have you found an easy method?
A little note:
I did see this website which mentions the process with software by name which will convert the text. http://www.ehow.com/how_5116053_convert-image-text.html
Http does have ocr--http://h71028.www7.hp.com/hho/cache/608037-0-0-225-121.html
Now that I have this post notice the ads. lol.
ReplyDeleteI found something at google doc with ocr. So far my content was too large, but I am working on it.
That is a really good question.
ReplyDeleteI do not know who you would have translate them? I know that the internet translators are not always accurate.
I like you love doing genealogy.
My husband's family is from Germany, but I have hit road block after road block.
Have a great day.