Friday, May 12, 2023
From Hof 30 Oldendorf Ahrens, Michels,
2010/9/25 jo meyer <>
Der herrschaftliche Hof Oldendorf Nr.30 - Hof c
Vorläufig sind von diesem Hof keine älteren Nachrichten zu finden, erst ab 30-jährigem Krieg findet man noch Aufzeichnungen.
1-Der älteste bekannte Hauswirt ist Jacob ROSSEBURG (ROSSEBORG).
[Jacob Rosseborg starb m + 18.2.1683.]Von ihm
sind eine Reihe Kinder überliefert:
1 *7.Tr/a>. 1639 Hans ROSSEBORG
2 * 8.12. 1643 Clages ROSSEBORG + 8.12.1643
3 * 18.p.Tr. 1644 Heinrich ROSSEBORG + 17.6.1645
4 * Laetare 1646 Anna ROSSEBORG
5 * 23.p.Tr. 1648 Gese ROSSEBORG (noch 1681)
6 * 18.7.1651 Stephen ROSSEBORG (noch 1672)
7 * Paschatos 1654 Magdalena ROSSEBORG, 1681 Henrich BOHM, Oldendorf
8 * 3. Adv. 1656 Schwiepert ROSSEBORG+ 23.12.1656
9 * 18.11 Tr.1657 Elisabeth ROSSEBORG
10 * 18.p.Tr. 1662 Christian ROSSEBORG
11 * Judica 1665 Clages + Paschatos 1665
Jacob ROSSEBORG starb m 18.2.1683. 1685 heiratete der />.......................................................
Christian ROSSEBORG * 18.p.Tr.1662, + 29.12.1733, Greta BOISCH.
[Frau Great starb am 17.3.1713], Sie hatten
zusammen 3 Kinder:
1. * 16.p.Tr 1686 Thrine Marie ROSSEBORG
2. * 23.9.1688 Hans Heinrich ROSSEBORG
3. * 5.7.1691 Clas Jacob ROSSEBORG + 2.2.1705
Frau Great starb am 17.3.1713,
Christian ROSSEBORG muß noch einmal
wieder geheiratet haben, denn er meldete nochmals
4 Kinder zur Taufe an:
1. * 14.2.1714 Christian Frantz ROSSEBORG
r /> aus Dönitz
Auf dem Hof folgte nun der älteste Sohn Hans Heinrich ROSSEBORG, * 23.9.1688, er heiratete Dorothea KOOPMANN, geb. 9.4.1689 in Oldendorf. Die Ehe blieb kinderlos und Hans Heinrich ROSSEBORG starb ebenfalls sehr früh am 3.1.1713. [CHILDLESS MARRIAGE]
Die Witwe DOROTHEA KOOPMANN heiratete 1714 wieder und zwar
TOENNIES SCHLICHT aus Tosterglope (KA 58/18). Kinder:
1. * 28.12.1714 Catharina Elisabeth SCHLICHT
2. * 24.10.1716 Dorothea Margareta SCHLICHT,
6.2.1745 Lorenz Heinrich STECKE, Kovahl
3. * 29.4.1718 Jürgen Friedrich SCHLICHT
4. * 18.2.1720 Henrich Christopher SCHLICHT
5. * 2.1.1723 Hans Jochen SCHLICHT
6. * 16.3.1731 Franz Valentin SCHLICHT + 9.5.1731
Kurz nach diesem Kind verstarb Frau Dorothea KOOPMANN am 20.4.1731.
Am 4.6.1732 meldete Tönnies SCHLICHT ein weiteres Kind Christian Joachim ??? zur Taufe an, nach den damaligen Gepflogenheiten dürfte es von seiner[ 2.] FRAU Anna Eleonore stammen, die aber auch kurz darauf am 16.8.1732 starb, das Kind starb am 8.9.1732.
Seine 3. Ehe schloß Tönnies SCHLICHT mit Maria Ilsabe Hövermann, Tochter des Hans Heinrich HOEVERMANN. aus Walmsburg, im Jahre 1736.
1749 heiratete der Anerbe Jürgen Friedrich SCHLICHT, *29.4.1718, Anna Dorothea BROCKMANN aus Harmstorf.
Jürgen Friedrich SCHLICHT starb bereits am 13.4.1754. Die Hofübergabe sollte erst später erfolgen, kam aber doch schon sehr früh, weil Vater Tönnies SCHLICHT am 9.3.1751
im Alter von 64 Jahren starb.
Das Paar hatte 2 Kinder
1. * 25. 9.1750 Dorothea Margaretha SCHLICHT
2. * 28.11.1752 Catharina Elisabeth SCHLICHT, 10.10.1781 Zimmergeselle Johann Heinrich SCHULTE, Nahrendorf
Jürgen Friedrich SCHLICHT starb bereits am 13.4.1754. Seine Witwe Anna Dorothea BROCKMANN heiratete am 4.1.1755 wieder, nämlich
Johann Hinrich STECKE (Steek) aus Kovahl. [ Johann Hinrich STEEK starb am 11.4.1780 mit 76 J ] Ihnen wurde am
- 1.6.1755 Tochter Magdalena Margareta STECKE geboren.
Ihr folgten
1. * 13. 3.1758 Johann Friedrich STECKE + 15.4.1758
2. * 26.10 1760 Jürgen Heinrich STECKE + + 14'. 9.1761
3. * 21. 3.1764 Jürgen Friederich STECKE
Johann Heinrich STEEK starb am 11.4.1780 mit 76 J., seine Frau Anna Dorothea ( BROCKMANN SCHLICHT) geb. BROCKMANN am 11.12.1788.
Die älteste Tochter Dorothea Margaretha SCHLICHT [??] als Anerbin heiratete am
13.11.1767 Hans Christopher STEINHAUER aus Ventachau.
[Hans Christoph STEINHAUER starb am 23.3.1802],Sie hatten
folgende Kinder:
1. * 21.3 .1769 Hinrich Christopher STEINHAUER
+ 25.11.1795+ 21 1.@1797
2. * 14.11.1771 Anna Maria Elis. STEINHAUER, 5.11.1795 Jürgen Friedrich SCHULTE*, Schäfer in Nahrendorf,
Mücklingen*, Oldendorf
3. * 9. 2.1775 Johann Friedr. STEINHAUER
4. * 9. 1.1778 Franz Jürgen STEINHAUER
5. * 25.11.1780 Marg.a Elisabeth STEINHAUER
6. * 26.12.1783 Catha. Dor. Elis. STEINHAUER, 16.11.1811 Johann Friedrich DAETZ*, Dübbekold
7. * 25.2.1787 Hans Heinr. Chr. STEINHAUER
8. * 4.12.1789 Jürgen Friedrich STEINHAUER
9. * 17.12.1792 Hans Jürgen Chr.STEINHAUER, als Zimmergeselle 29.11.1821 Dorothea Margareta Mayer aus
My Father Dwight Meyer

Honoring My Father for Fathers Day
Hi, I have wandered in for Fathers Day. I thought I would babble a little about some personal moments spent with my father and quit when the demons of guilt attack me.
You see at the right some penny photos of my father Dwight R Meyer. I have had several photos of him at several blogs. He was an adorable small child.
In those pictures my mom always said that he was dressed like a little girl. It makes you wonder sometimes if it was a subconscious action of Grandma Annie? After all she had two boys, not a girl and a boy.
Do you have relatives Dressed like girls?
You now Lyle was given his own photos, and so what he wore when he was small is kind of unknown to me. Perhaps dad wore his hand me downs.
I think they were given play rompers which could be bleached as washed. Play clothes but not exactly like you know the Trapp family play clothes in the musical movie Sound of Music. Luckily it was not from drape material.
Dad certainly needed them.
At any rate, I'll throw in a few of those links below so you can see for yourself.
Dwight Meyer second born son born February 8, 1918 at theme they lived at rural Sunnyslope farm in southern Minnesota. I am sorry I know nothing about the details, if it was actually on the farm or at the hospital.
It probably was not that well known that he had left handed tendencies. As I was just a little thing I remember him consoling me as I was trying to use a scissor or a some tool, he confided that he too had a difficult time with those kind of tools. This confidence reveals two things. It was how he was with me, as sympathetic understanding father with a softer side. Also it reveals that he had left handed tendencies which made things a bit more difficult for Dewey because everyone tried to make him do the normal way. So as a child he had to relearn a task of using scissors.
I think too though it was rarely said and rarely understood, that he was the youngest male at the farm. Most people don't know that he had his mothers half brothers and sisters, whom he lived with and saw them daily at different times. One day feeling a sibling crunch, he had confided to me in his gentle way, that there were times when he too had to pay the toll toward the elders. I never knew at the time that those Jaesckes were those whom he was thinking. I had thought it was his brother.

I had no real thoughts on all this or clues, and it was those tender moments in recall I was gifted the important genealogical information that confirmed some hunches, which led to facts for me, which lead to further wonderful discoveries
I thought I would show Dad as a father here holding his eldest son Sonny. Next to him is a Unknown to me tall family member. I always hought of him as tall enough, but guess he wasn't as tall as some of his family like probably the Nahnsen members.