~Maves, Mewes, Mews line~
Bark Mississippi ship passenger list. Johann Gottlieb Maves departed from Bremen in 10.June.1856. He is listed on two pages.
Ancestry.com - New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
about Joh Golde Maves
Name: Joh Golde Maves
Arrival Date: 10 Jun 1856
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1822
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Destination: Chicago, Illinois
Place of Origin: Prussia
/Nationality: Prussian (German)
Ship Name: Mississippi
Search Ship Database: Search the Mississippi in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Port of Arrival: New York
Line: 51
Microfilm Serial: M237
Microfilm Roll: M237_163
List Number: 450
Port Arrival State: New York
Port Arrival Country: United States
Note: Taken from Ancestry.com - Historical Passenger lists. Page 3 and 4.
Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild
Bark Mississippi
Bremen to New York
10 June 1856
I, Carl ? Gerdes Master of the Bremen bark Mississippi do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board of the said Mississippi at Bremen from which port said Mississippi has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, the sex, and the occupation of each of said passengers, the part of the vessel occupied by each during the passage, the country to which each belongs and also the country of which it is intended by each to become an inhabitant; and that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the number of said passengers who have died on said voyage; and the names and ages of those who died. So help me God, Carl ? Gerdes Sworn to this 10 June 1856 Before me (signature unreadable)
List or Manifest of all the passengers taken on board the Bremen bark Mississippi whereof Carl ? Gerdes is Master, from Bremen burthen 500 tons.
Columns represent: Number, Names, Age in Years, Age in Months (abbreviated as y and m for infants), Sex, Occupation, The country to which they severally belong, The country in which they intend to become inhabitants, Died on the voyage. There was a column for Part of the vessel occupied by each during the voyage. A column for baggage was added by the captain. The transcriber has omitted these last two columns. For the information in them, please see the transcriber’s notes at the end of this list.
1 Wilhelm Werneburg 28 male M.D. Hessia New York
2 Johann Fetsgen 31 male merchant U S. of America Philadelphia
3* vom Endt 45 male capt. of ???? Prussia New York
4 Amalia Brandt 26 fem Prussia New York
5 Friedr Mogelin 40 male watchmaker Prussia Chicago
6 Math Mat Mogelin 30 fem Prussia Chicago
7 Laura Ant Mogelin 5 fem Prussia Chicago
8 Ida Mogelin 3 fem Prussia Chicago
9 Otto Mogelin 1 male Prussia Chicago
10* Theod Vict Krake 30 male merchant Lippe New York
11* Sophie Krake 18 fem Lippe New York
12 Johanne Blettner 25 fem Braunschweig New York
13* Therese Walthor 24 fem Bavaria Columbia
14 Eduard Euker 21 male con?itor Hessia Baltimore
15 Helene Hesselbein 19 fem Hessia Baltimore
16 Elisab Marcrander 21 fem Hessia Baltimore
17 Adolph Stede 20 male goldsmith Braunschweig Boston
18 Johannes Peter 29 male farmer Hannover St Louis
19* Catherine Schruer 19 fem Hannover New York
20 Heinrich Greve 20 male farmer Hannover Missouri
21 Friedr Lockemacher 58 male farmer Hannover New York
22 Dorette Wurth 58 fem Hannover New York
23 Emmea Wurth 18 fem Hannover New York
24 Minna Wurth 15 fem Hannover New York
25* Alex vonD??e 23 male engineer Prussia Philadelphia
26 Amelia Jacobi 28 fem Hessia New York
27 Franz Gust Schneider 19 male waiter Saxonia New York
28 Elise Klapp 19 fem Hessia New York
29 Caroline Klapp 17 fem Hessia New York
30 Wilhelm Schultheiss 30 male binder Bavaria New York
31 Ernst Tusslein 27 male tailor Prussia New York
32 Doroth Luce 46 fem Coburg New York
33 Nichol Sawikowsky 26 male tailor Coburg New York
34 Julianne Sawikowsky 28 fem Prussia New York
one child born June 9th fem
35 Catherine Luce 16 fem Prussia New York
36 Dietr Loose 17 male Hannover Hew York
37 Carl Semmhole 26 male farmer Hannover New York
38 Theod Orbel 28 male tailor Saxonia Chicago
39 Ang Am Orbel 22 fem Saxonia Chicago
40 Fr Pfeiffer 25 male shoemaker Prussia Massachusetts
41 Heinr Albers 36 male smith Hannover Iowa
42 Take Marg Albers 33 fem Hannover Iowa
43 Bernhard Albers 9 male Hannover Iowa
44 Johann Albers 7 male Hannover Iowa
45* Heinrich Albers 9m male Hannover Iowa
46 Sebastian Marz 30 male blaksmith Bavaria New York
47 Carl Egert 36 male oilmuller Bavaria New York
48 Friedr Nicol 35 male butcher Bavaria New York
49 Heinr Wittpenn 22 male farmer Hannover New York
50 Dorette Simon 25 fem Hannover New York
51 Albertine Bleier 21 fem Hannover New York
52 Heinrich Wieters 24 male farmer Hannover New York
53 Meta Tietjen 22 fem Hannover New York
54 Beka Tietjen 16 fem Hannover New York
55 Heinrich Wellbrook 15 male Hannover New York
56 Friedr Albabe 48 male millwright Hessia New York
57 Balthaser Albabe 18 male Hessia New York
58 Friedr Seidel 34 male mason Saxonia New York
59 David Fried 17 male Hessia New York
60 Lea Weirmann 23 fem Bavaria New York
61 Kunig Sieb 19 fem Bavaria New York
62 Joh Gierisch 43 male barber Prussia New York
63 Sophie Gierisch 29 fem Prussia New York
64 Bertha Gierisch 13 fem Prussia New York
65 Ferdinand Gierisch 11 male Prussia New York
66 Rosalie Gierisch 9 fem Prussia New York
67 Auguste Gierisch 4 fem Prussia New York
68 Carl Gierisch 1 male Prussia New York
69 Sophie Meier 24 fem Prussia New York
70 Wilhelm Schlesier 26 male cooper Saxonia New York
71 Aug Vallert 26 male farmer Saxonia New York
72 Julius Meischke 32 male blacksmith Saxonia New York
73 Hermann Seiffert 18 male joiner Saxonia New York
74 Adam Werner 24 male farmer Saxonia New York
75 August Kleic 26 male wodmaker Brunswig New York
76 Heinrich Deisinroth 28 male mason Hessia New York
77* Christian Muhlbrunna 26 male gardener Wurtemberg New York
78 Wilhelm Zeisenmuth 37 male farmer Hessia New York
79 Norbert Straker 42 male farmer Prussia New York
80 Franziska Straker 26 fem Prussia New York
81 Bernhard Straker 10 male Prussia New York
82 Johann Straker 8 male Prussia New York
83 Caspar Straker 9m male Prussia New York
84* Lisette a?f?em Kolk 45 fem Prussia New York
85 Anna Cath Koch 30 fem Prussia New York
86 Andreas Wagner 23 male farmer Bavaria Milwaukee
87 John Muller 33 male farmer Prussia Milwaukee
88 Friedre Muller 30 fem Prussia Milwaukee
89 Louise Fr Muller 7 fem Prussia Milwaukee
90 Joh Friedr Muller 5 male Prussia Milwaukee
91 Math Kalka 32 male farmer Hannover Milwaukee
92 Johann Fick 37 male farmer Prussia Milwaukee
93 Wilhelm Fick 13 male Prussia Milwaukee
94 Friedr W Bahrt 25 male butcher Prussia Milwaukee
95 Friderike Bahrt 26 fem Prussia Milwaukee
96 Wilhelm Baumiehl 30 male farmer Prussia Milwaukee
97* Valentin Borner 59 male mason Lasconia Milwaukee
98* Anna Marg Borner 22 fem Lasconia Milwaukee
99* Johannes Borner 18 male mason Lasconia Milwaukee
100 Conrad Sprick 35 male farmer Lippe Milwaukee
1 Wilhelmina Sprick 25 fem Lippe Milwaukee
2 Aug Kemper 36 male farmer Lippe Milwaukee
3 Wilhe Stahl 25 fem Lippe Milwaukee
4 Jette Baker 23 fem Lippe Milwaukee
5 Ernst Michelke 59 male tailor Prussia Milwaukee
6 Mar Elis Michelke 57 fem Prussia Milwaukee
7 Julius Michelke 32 male ropemaker Prussia Milwaukee
8 Carl Rud Michelke 27 male ropemaker Prussia Milwaukee
9 Joh Ernst Michelke 23 male turner Prussia Milwaukee
110 Wilhelm Fick 36 male farmer Prussia Milwaukee
11 Friedre Fick 35 fem Prussia Milwaukee
12 Louise Fick 10 fem Prussia Milwaukee
13 Wilhelm Fick 7 male Prussia Milwaukee
14 Wilhelmine Fick 3 fem Prussia Milwaukee
15 Ferdenand Fick 8m male Prussia Milwaukee
16 Christian Hoppe 58 male farmer Prussia Milwaukee
17 Johan?? Dietke 16 male Hannover Milwaukee
18 Anna Marg Dietke 14 fem Hannover Milwaukee
19 Joh Saml Schmidt 49 male farmer Saxonia Milwaukee
120 Caroline Schmidt 22 fem Saxonia Milwaukee
121* Christ Lohn 34 male farmer Prussia Milwaukee
22* Caroline Lohn 32 fem Prussia Milwaukee
23* Wilhelm Lohn 9 male Prussia Milwaukee Died*
24* Ferdinand Lohn 7 male Prussia Milwaukee
25* Louise Lohn 6 fem Prussia Milwaukee
26* Wilhelmine Lohn 4 fem Prussia Milwaukee
27* Christian Lohn 1 male Prussia Milwaukee
28* Auguste Lohn 3m fem Prussia Milwaukee
29* Aug Ferd Pr?witz 24 male tailor Prussia Milwaukee
130 Fried W. Brandt 20 fem Prussia Milwaukee
31 Friedr Jocks 26 male farmer Prussia Chicago
32 Wilhelmine Jocks 24 fem Prussia Chicago
33 Auguste Jocks 22 fem Prussia Chicago
34 Friedricke Jocks 58 fem Prussia Chicago
35* Friedrich Hormann 57 male farmer Hannover Chicago
36* Margr Hormann 37 fem Hannover Chicago
37* Ferdinand Hormann 28 male Hannover Chicago
38* Helene Hormann 26 fem Hannover Chicago
39* Wilhelm Hormann 7 male Hannover Chicago
140* Dorothea Hormann 5 fem Hannover Chicago
141* Mina Hormann 10m fem Hannover Chicago Died
42 Friedr Zamach 29 male farmer Prussia Chicago
143 Henriette Zamach 23 fem Prussia Chicago
144* Joh Gott Maves 34 male farmer Prussia Chicago
145* Joh Crist Carl Maves 29 fem Prussia Chicago
146* Carl Maves 7 male Prussia Chicago
147* Friedrich Maves 5 male Prussia Chicago
148* August Maves 3y 6m male Prussia Chicago Died
149* Wilhelm Maves 11m male Prussia Chicago
150 Wilhelm Marquardt 26 male farmer Prussia Chicago
151 Carl Pieper 27 male farmer Prussia Chicago
152 Ferd Kuhnecke 30 male miller Prussia Chicago
153 Samuel Simner 33 male farmer Prussia Chicago
154 Henriette Simner 31 fem Prussia Chicago
155 Carl Simner 5 male Prussia Chicago
156 Julius Simner 3 male Prussia Chicago
157 August Simner 1 male Prussia Chicago
158* Carl Nolting 57 male innkeeper Prussia Indianapolis
159* Louise Nolting 37 fem Prussia Indianapolis
160* Johanne Nolting 18 fem Prussia Indianapolis
161* Carl Nolting 14 male Prussia Indianapolis
162* Louise Nolting 11 fem Prussia Indianapolis
63* Marie Nolting 7 fem Prussia Indianapolis
64* Ottilie Nolting 5 fem Prussia Indianapolis
65* Wilhelm Nolting 11m male Prussia Indianapolis
66 Heinrich Schilling 26 male farmer Prussia Indianapolis
67 Caroline Schilling 23 fem Prussia Indianapolis
68 Eleanore Watermann 20 fem Prussia Indianapolis
69 Caroline Muller 19 fem Prussia Indianapolis
170 Friedr Rosiner 25 male farmer Prussia Indianapolis
171 Christ Brandt 19 male farmer Prussia Indianapolis
172 Carl Dammeier 19 male farmer Prussia Indianapolis
173 Carl Rose 24 male farmer Prussia Indianapolis
174* Carl Busking 21 male farmer Prussia Indianapolis
175* Wilhelmine Busking 16 fem Prussia Indianapolis
76 Georg Schurz 56 male farmer Bavaria New York
77 Jacob Roos 27 male weaver Wurtemberg New York
78 Jacob Fischer 28 male clothweaver Wurtemberg New York
79 Margr Fischer 24 fem Wurtemberg New York
180 Joh Georg Pfisterer 24 male farmer Wurtemberg New York
181 Christine Pfisterer 18 fem Wurtemberg New York
82 Joh David Pfisterer 13 male Wurtemberg New York
83 Rosine Pfisterer 11 fem Wurtemberg New York
84 Margr Pfisterer 47 fem Wurtemberg New York
85 Herman Dorwig 28 male farmer Saxonia New York
86 Joh. Homann 58 male blacksmith Hessia New York
87 Kilian Homann 26 male brewer Hessia New York
88 Anna Mar. Homann 34 fem Hessia New York
89 Franz Mennell 27 male mason Hessia New York
190 Georg Mennell 22 male weaver Hessia New York
91 Friedr Delius 34 male shoemaker Prussia Brooklyn
92 Joh Rob Seidel 21 male weaver Austria Massachusetts
93 Peter H Muller 30 male farmer Hannover St. Louis
94 Joh Poppe 26 male driver Prussia Wisconsin
95 Cath Geiger 22 fem Bavaria Wilmington
96 Freidr Kursch 32 male miller Prussia Wisconsin
97 Carl Fr Briebenow 18 male farmer Prussia Wisconsin
98 Elis Disnowsky 24 fem Bavaria Albany
99* Conrad Gunder 18 male farmer Hessia Philadelphia
200* Joh Schafer 16 male miller Hessia Philadelphia
1 Heinr Fett 18 male farmer Hessia Philadelphia
202 Freidr Hartwig 53 male farmer Hannover Wisconsin
3 Franz Hartwig 20 male farmer Hannover Wisconsin
4 Caroline Hartwig 17 fem Hannover Wisconsin
5* Wilhelm Batjer 53 male weaver Hannover Saratoga
6 Carl W Gutterlet 18 male clerk Hessia Pittsburg
7 Georg Lanz 19 male mason Hessia Pittsburg
8 August Gerke 28 male stonecutter Lippe Cincinnati
9 Christ Arens 25 male segarmaker Lippe Cincinnati
210 August Henschel 33 male farmer Prussia Wisconsin
11 Wilhelm Henschel 26 fem Prussia Wisconsin
12* Theodor Schuler 32 male butcher Prussia Wisconsin
13* Wilhelme Schuler 28 fem Prussia Wisconsin
14* Franz Schuler 55 male miller Prussia Wisconsin
15 Joh Rieger 32 male farmer Hessia Pennsylvanie
16 Gertrude Rieger 32 fem Hessia Pennsylvanie
17 Adam Schneider 20 male clothweaver Hessia Canada
18 Gottlieb Meier 25 male weaver Hessia Wisconsin
19 Matth Pfeiler 22 male painter Bavaria Wisconsin
220 J. F. Donath 28 male locksmith Saxonia Wisconsin
21 Franz R Donath 6m male Saxonia Wisconsin
222 Aug Carl Richter 25 male farmer Prussia Wisconsin
23 Ottilie Gradwohl 22 fem Wurtemberg Wisconsin
24 Michael F Tickeruhn 58 male farmer Prussia Wisconsin
25 Louise Tickeruhn 57 fem Prussia Wisconsin
26 Charlotte Tickeruhn 25 fem Prussia Wisconsin
27 August Tickeruhn 19 male farmer Prussia Wisconsin
228 Heinrich Henning 48 male farmer Hessia Wisconsin
29 Catherine Henning 47 fem Hessia Wisconsin
230 Friedr Henning 12 male Hessia Wisconsin
31 Catherine Henning 10 fem Hessia Wisconsin
32 Johs Naumann 25 male farmer Hessia Wisconsin
33 Ludw H Dushow 45 male shoemaker Prussia Wisconsin
34 Wilhelmine Dushow 48 fem Prussia Wisconsin
35 Albert Dushow 18 male cooper Prussia Wisconsin
236 Carl Dushow 15 male Prussia Wisconsin
237 Wilhelm Dushow 13 male Prussia Wisconsin
38 Catherine Stein 65 fem Hessia Canada
39 Conrad Stein 37 male smith Hessia Canada
240 Wilhelm Stein 25 male tailor Hessia Canada
241 Catherine Stein 16 fem Hessia Canada
242 Marg Nowolny 41 fem Austria New York
243 August Nowolny 6 male Austria New York
244 Franz Nowolny 4 male Austria New York
245 Anna Brekiner 38 fem Bavaria Greenbay
246 Anna Brekiner 10 fem Bavaria Greenbay
247 Heinrich Fischer 23 male farmer Hannover Erie
248 Ludwig Meier 29 male farmer Hannover Erie
249 Carl Fr Ette 23 male waiter Prussia New York
Cabin 45
Btwn Dks 204 (Signed) Carl ? Gerdes
Transcriber's notes:
Part of the vessel occupied by each passenger during the voyage:
1-45 are listed as occupying Second cabin & house on deck
46-249 are listed as occupying steerage between deck
1 has 2 trunks
2 has 1 trunk
For the rest of the passengers, the captain listed combined baggage as follows:
3 and 4 have combined baggage of 2 trunks
5-9 have combined baggage of 7 trunks
10-12 have combined baggage of 5 trunks
13-16 have combined baggage of 6 trunks
17-37 have combined baggage of 14 boxes & trunks
38-45 have combined baggage of ? chests
46-73 have combined baggage of 29 trunks
74-110 have combined baggage of 37 trunks, chests and boxes
111-139 have combined baggage of 10 boxes etc
140-147 have combined baggage of 9 boxes etc
148-188 have combined baggage of 21 trunks etc
189-227 have combined baggage of 34 boxes & trunks
228-249 have combined baggage of 11 boxes etc
Other notes:
3: no given name entered. Occupation is capt. of what could be “sotd.” I checked this against the transcription in Germans to America. Apparently that transcriber couldn’t make it out either and just entered “capt.”
10-11: umlaut over a
13: umlaut over o
19: umlaut over u
25: the only letters in this surname I’m sure of are D and e. It could be Du?ve. Germans to America calls it Dwve.
45: age is written as 9 3/5 in the month column
77: Germans to America has this name as Muhlbrunner, I see it as Muhlbrunna
84: even Germans to America did not attempt to transcribe this second name
97-99: umlaut over o
123: fell overboard and was drowned
121-128: unlaut over o
129: ? in name is smudged; could be Prawitz or Prewitz
135-141: umlaut over o
144-149: umlaut over a
158-165: Germans to America sees this name as Wolting, but the W does not resemble other Ws on this list
174-175: umlaut over u
175: heavy line drawn through this name; I can’t be absolutely sure of the name
199: umlaut over u
200: umlaut over a
205: umlaut over a
212-214: umlaut over u
229: heavy line drawn through this name Correspondence 4/27/00 My Ancestors Twin brother was # 70 Wilhelm SCHLESIER on the ship "Bark Mississippi" from Bremen to New York that arrived on 10 Jun 1856. He resided in Manhattan and in latter life Brooklyn, NY. He was in the Civil War and he was a Cooper all his life. Wilhelm Schlesier was: 1. Born 28 July 1829 in Altenburg, Saxony, Germany 2. Died 28 March 1904 at 71 N. 1st St, Brooklyn, NY 3. Private in 11th Regiment, NY Veteran Volunteers from 1861 to 1863, (2 years and 3 months) and was stationed at Fort Castle Williams, Governers Island, NYC NOTE A LITTLE KNOWN FACT! The above military information is not in the National Archives as All Military that that did not go to battles and stayed in their home states were not considerered by the archivists to be in the Civil War. This leaves probably 500,000 to a million soldiers that are not registered in the National Archives as being in the Civil war. They show up in the 1890 Federal Military Census, if they were still alive. Wilhelms brother Carl Schlesier was a private in the 28th Reg,Co A, New York National Guard, for about 3 years during the Civil War. His Regiment was called for 30 days, to the Battle of Gettysburg. Therefore he is listed in the National Archives as being in the Civil war for 30 days.Robert A. Schlesier Correspondence 1/19/02 passenger #21 Lockemacher/Lackemacher Friedrick Lockemacher, passenger 21, is believed to be Johann Friedrich Lackemacher b 1798 father of Wilhelm L. Lackemacher b 1828. Wilhelm and his wife, Christine Rosenbohm arrived in 1852 aboard the ship Agnes. Friedrich would be my ggggrandfather. Karl Lackemacher
National Archives and Records Administration, Film M237, Reel 163.
Transcribed by Lois Mack Schill for the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
20 May 1999
Note : Jocks could be Yokes.
Source: Ancestry.com - New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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